Sunday, 4 August 2013

Final Reflection

In this final module of the Web 2.0 course we looked at the iLe@rn model and Bloom's revised Digital Taxonomy Model. The iLe@rn model was interesting. As I was reading about it, it was just common sense and reinforced a lot of what I’ve read about teaching and learning. It focusses on effective teaching and engaging students. It’s about giving our students the tools they will need, to learn what they need, and achieve success as they continue to learn throughout their lives. Bloom's Digital Taxonomy Model is appealing to me, particularly because I am a visual learner. However, as with the original Bloom’s Taxonomy Model, although this effective flow diagram can assist teachers when designing tasks within their classrooms, it is vital for teachers to understand that all skills, not just higher order skills, are important as we move up and down this scale when learning.

It’s hard to believe that I’ve finally come to the end of the Web 2.0 course. There were many moments of confusion and even anxiety when completing the 10 modules, so it is quite a relief to finally be finished. However, although the course is finished this is definitely not the end of Web 2.0 for me. While working through the modules I came to realise that these are the tools I need, as a teacher, to incorporate into my teaching, for my sake and more importantly the sake of my students. So I intend on taking the time to further my understanding of the tools introduced to me through this course. I think I will start with blogging, wikis, Google docs and Prezi. I see these as the most important tools for me to use in my classroom at this moment in time. I also intend to continue with reading educational blogs (which I’d never done before commencing this course). I still can’t quite believe how valuable some of the blogs are that I’ve come across during my Web 2.0 journey.

Although this has been a challenging journey for me, it was a journey I needed to take and a journey that has only just begun!

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Module 10

In this final module we explored three popular Web 2.0 tools, Wikis, Nings and Google sites. As with most of the modules in this Web 2.0 course, module 10 was quite challenging primarily due to my lack of prior knowledge. However, out of the three Web 2.0 tools looked at within this module I really enjoyed learning about Wiki and how it can be used in the classroom. I can remember hearing about Wikis in a ‘techie brekkie' we had at school earlier on in the year, so I was interested in learning more. I think it's a great way to collaborate information on a single web page, without the need for any emailing when communicating and responding to each others’ thoughts and ideas. Once I feel more confident with my level’s blog I will definitely look more into Wiki and how I can use this great educational tool within my level/class.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Module 9

In module 9 we investigated online, professional and personal networks. Finally!!! A module where I had a clue as to what we were looking at. The networking site Facebook is asocial networking site that I’m very familiar with. Although I know Facebook is not particularly a professional networking site I was interested in finding sites that were. At school we’ve had a ‘Techie Brekkie’ in the past where we looked at Twitter and its uses as a professional networking site. Although I don’t have a twitter account at the moment, I’m beginning to realised that it’s only a matter of time. Once again I think it’s me not wanting to step out of my comfort zone.

I also looked into the uses of Second Life. The tutorials given in module 9 painted a really positive picture of Second Life as a professional networking site. I guess for me the thing that really stood out was the possibility of teachers being able to use it as a tool to teach their students about culture, science, art and historyetc. in meaningful, creative and even collaborative ways. It’s great! However, although there are numerous opportunities for learningwith Second Life, one big problem is the age restrictions. Being a 3/4 level teacher, this eliminates the possibility of using this great tool in my classroom with my students.

Module 8

When I initially looked at what Module 8 was about, and saw that it was about RSS feeds my first thought was OMG!! My panic began to grow when I realised I was unable to attend the ‘Techie Brekkie’ session held at school which was to introduce us to RSS feeds. Fortunately I was given a link that gave a great summary of what RSS feeds are and how they actually work. So I looked into ‘Feedly’ which is a feed reader straight to your iPhone or iPad. Now I don’t have an iPhone or an iPad, so I found it quite difficult to understand friends who raved about this app and said how easy it was to use…. apparently even for me!

I spoke to my dad about it (the most amazing ICT guru the world has ever seen), he can’t believe it and either can I, but I’m getting an iPhone!! So thank you Module 8. Although you have left me quite confused you’ve made me step out of my comfort zone!

Module 7

In this module, we explored the bookmarking websites Delicious and Diigo. Prior to this Web 2.0 course I hadn’t heard of these tools, so I was interested to see what they were all about. After reading about them and watching some video guides I was beginning to see how valuable these tools were. The thing that stood out for me the most was that you can access your bookmarks from any computer. I can not even begin to explain how amazing this is for me. I basically use three different computers where I find it difficult to remember which computer I’ve bookmarked particular sites. Delicious and Diigo are definitely time savers and I look forward to exploring them more.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Module 6

Module 6 was great! As with basically everything we’ve looked at in this Web 2 course, Picasa is completely new to me. Although it was completely new to me, I didn’t find it that difficult to use. When I initially looked at Picasa during the last school holidays, I didn’t have a Google account. But I have one now, that I’m beginning to use more frequently. So I guess the good thing about Picasa is that is can be linked to your Google drive which means it’s easily reached anywhere you have access to the internet.

The possibility of using Picasa in the classroom is something I definitely think is worth discussing with my 3/4 team, mainly to discuss the practicality of using Picasa with our students.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Module 5

This was a great module and I’m glad it was included in the WEB 2.0 course. For me it involved a bit of old as well as some new programs/tools. With so many new tools and programs that we are exposed to and encouraged to use in our classrooms, I believe we (teachers) sometimes forget about simple programs like  It’s so easy to use and the kids always love using it. I can think of at least a couple of times so far this year my students could have used it to organise their thinking, where instead we opted for a paper and pencil Mindmap. Thinking back now I’m pretty sure which one the kids would have preferred to use!

Glogster is new to me but I can already see that it is another tool that the kids will love and find useful, particularly those creative students I have.

Prezi is completely new to me, and I’m not all that confident in using it yet. However, I’ve seen colleagues at work use it and they really like it and say that the kids have enjoyed Prezis they’ve created. To me Prezi seems to be another, and probably a better way to present information that I would otherwise present in a PowerPoint. Prezi is a tool I am definitely interested in looking more into and using to enhance the way I present things to my students.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Module 4

This was a really fun module particularly learning about and using Animoto.

Last year I was involved in a digital story telling PD at ACMI where we had to use iMovie.  I found iMovie really difficult to use and have no confidence in being able to use it by myself.

However with Animoto I am looking foreward to producing movies from the photos the kids take from their next school excursion.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Module 3

The instructional videos for Module 3 were clear and concise, however the "Atomic Learning Guides" were unavailable to me as I did not have a username and password to access them and did not know who the Diocesan Contact was.

I also could not access Tom Barrett's 71 Interesting Ways* to use Google Forms in the Classroom .

I can see how I could use Google forms as last year my 3/4 Level Coordinator created a pre and post test for Division.

I can also see an advantage in using the Google spreadsheet for the evaluation of pre and post test results.  A single copy can be shared and modified, unlike the creation of multiple copies of an Excel spreadsheet via the "save as" function.

Module 2

Even with my limited IT skills, I found it relatively easy to use Google Blogger to create a blog.

The instructions and tutorials given in module 2 were helpful and easy to follow.

It was also beneficial to be able to review other teacher's blogs, to gain insight not only to the process but also to what others were thinking.

However, at this point in time I would not feel confident in creating and managing a class blog for my students.

Module 1

Hi my name is Tennille, I am a middle school teacher in the southeastern suburbs of Melbourne.
Last year I was involved in a contemporary learning project along with three other colleagues, it is through that project I was encouraged to participate in Web 2.0.

Although I use Facebook, my IT skills are very limited. Fortunately many of my work colleagues are skilled in IT and are very supportive of me (thanks Stu and Bianca). This is my first experience with blogging.

Before I created my iGoogle account I was quite anxious as I had not heard of it before and was unsure of what was involved and what it was used for. However it was extremely easy to use and I can see that it is a way towards creating a blog using Google Blogger.

I enjoyed setting up my iGoogle page and selecting from the various iGoogle gadgets, but I wonder what will happen after the iGoogle service is discontinued in November.