Saturday, 30 March 2013

Module 3

The instructional videos for Module 3 were clear and concise, however the "Atomic Learning Guides" were unavailable to me as I did not have a username and password to access them and did not know who the Diocesan Contact was.

I also could not access Tom Barrett's 71 Interesting Ways* to use Google Forms in the Classroom .

I can see how I could use Google forms as last year my 3/4 Level Coordinator created a pre and post test for Division.

I can also see an advantage in using the Google spreadsheet for the evaluation of pre and post test results.  A single copy can be shared and modified, unlike the creation of multiple copies of an Excel spreadsheet via the "save as" function.


  1. Hi Tennille
    could relate to all of your comments. Had similar issue with atomic learning and can see so much potential for docs and forms, particularly in collaborative context.

  2. Hi Tennille,
    Great to see you working hard on the course and also seeing the practical links to the course and your work. I am your Diocesan contact for the course and I am happy to update you on the Atomic Learning situation. This information is also available on the Melbourne course homepage :-

    Module 3

    Activity 2: This activity is not relevant for Melbourne participants

    Activity 3: Atomic Learning is a subscription based service. You can learn more about creating Google Docs at the Google Docs Community Channel on YouTube.

    Please keep up the wonderful work and keep on posting.

